
Work of the Department of Appeals' Consideration consists of forming mechanisms of rational protection of the rights of consumers of banking services, regulation of relations with consumers, review and preparation of responses for appeals, prompt and effective resolution of disputes with consumers, thus preventing legal disputes that may arise between the bank and customers, confidence-building in population to the bank and reduction of risks of discredit. The receipt of complaints from consumers is provided in the following forms: 

Verbal appeal 

  • Coming directly to the Bank (on week days from 9:00 to 17:00); 
  • Calling the Bank hot line 012 931012 404 80 00, internal number 9565.

Written appeal 

  • Provide a written appeal directly to the Bank; 
  • Provide directly to the head office, located at 131A Hasan Aliyev str., Narimanov Disctrict, Baku city, or at any branch or department. 

Online appeal 

Consumer can send his/her appeal to the e-mail addresses [email protected] or post it in the appeal section on

 By writing to WhatsApp number 055 440 80 00

The Head of Сonsideration of Appeals Department Nagiyeva Sevda Alasdin gizi: +994103900808 / [email protected] 

Response to consumer's appeal should be prepared and sent to him/her in 15 working days at the latest. Responses to consumers' appeals are signed by the member of the Board of Directors authorized to sign. The person, whom the complaint was made against, should not respond to appeal. If customers' appeals require an additional investigation, preparation of the response to the appeal is extended. In this case, the unit explains to the consumer the reasons for delay in response, the steps that will be taken hereafter, and the final date of the response preparation. If during the investigation there is need in additional documents, consumer should be informed about it and about the final date for document submission. 

If customers do not agree with the answer of the Bank, with the goal of reconsideration of the complaint, they can contact the Bank again. If consumers do not agree with the response of the Bank over again, they have the right to apply to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic (phone hotline  +99412 966), postal address: AZ1000, address: Bulbul Avenue 27,Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan) or to the court. 

183.26 KBPDF
Statistics on appeals of consumer for 2015 year
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Statistics on consumers appeal for 2016 year
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Statistics on consumers appeal for 2017 year
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Statistics on consumers appeal for 2018 year
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Statistics on consumers appeal for 2019 year
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Statistics on consumers appeal for 2020 year
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Statistics on consumers appeal for 2021 year
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2023-ci il ərzində istehlakçıların müraciətlərinin statistikası
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