
Operations provided by legal persons and entrepreneurs
Type of operation Rates
National currency Foreign currency
1 Opening of current account           50 AZN
2 Payment of opening account Free of payment Free of payment
3 Opening temporary account 5 AZN
4 Provision of check book: 10 AZN
5 Connection to Internet Banking service Free of payment

Provision of statements on accounts:
- provision of electronic statements
- more than 2 months

- report daily balance sheet by email

- SMS Notification

Free of payment
10 AZN

Free of payment

50 AZN for a year

50 AZN for a year

7 Submission of reference on bank accounts Free of payment Free of payment

Intra-bank transfers:

To the presonal account

To another client's account

Free of payment

0.02% Min 1AZN/Max 50 AZN

Free of payment

0.02% Min 1/Max 50 USD/EUR/GBP

8.2 Domestic: 0.12% 0.3%
min. 1 AZN 30 USD / 30 EUR / 2000 RUB / 30 GBP
max. 200 AZN 500 USD / 500 EUR / 40000 RUR / 500 GBP
8.3 Foreign:   0,3%
min. 30 USD / 30 EUR / 2000 RUB / 30 GBP
max. 500 USD / 500 EUR / 40000 RUB / 500 GBP
8.4 Refuse transfer: 10 AZN 30 USD
8.5 Modification of payment terms 10 AZN 30 USD
8.6 Conduction of research on payment 10 AZN 30 USD
Note:   Fees for other and/ or intermediary banks are charged from customer effecting payment
9 Convertion operation 0.4% 0.4%
Note: Conversion transactions are conducted in intra-bank currency set on a daily basic 
10 Cash collection according to agreem. according to agreem.

Cash in by "electronic cash terminals"

0.5% 0.5%




Issue of cash funds:

Expenditure transaction

0,5% 0.8%
min. 1 AZN 1 USD / EUR / GBP, 200 RUR
12.2 Cash withdrawal from special account of notary 0.3% 0.3%
Note:   If funds are deposited to an account in cash, commission fee is not charged in case the same amount is withdrawn within 3 days.
13 Guarantee operation:    
13.1 Opening of guarantee according to agreement according to agreement
13.2 Increase of guarantee amount (calculated on increased amount) 0.15%
min. 100 AZN
13.3 Guarantee advice
100 AZN

13.4 Recieve and control of documents on guarantee 50 AZN
13.5 Guarantee payment
200 AZN
13.6 Guarantee cancellation 100 AZN
13.7 Modification of guarantee terms 100 AZN
13.8 Opening of guarantee on the approval or counter-guarantee of guarantee by bank

100 AZN

13.9 Interest rate on Bank's credit line for opening of unsecured guarantee according to agreement according to agreement
Note:        Other banks' fees are charged from customer additionally
14 Documentary credit operations:    
14.1 Opening of letter of credit(LC)
Up to - 1 000 000 USD
More than - 1 000 000 USD
150 AZN
according to agreement
14.2 LC advise
100 AZN
14.3 Approval of LC according to agreement
14.4 Increase of LC amount and advise on it 0.15%
min. 100 AZN
Note: from incresed amount.
14.5 Payments of LC
100 AZN
500 AZN
14.6 Receipt, control and dispatch of documents
100 AZN
500 AZN
14.7 Advise on modification of terms or change of LC conditions(exept increase) 150 AZN
14.8 Cancellation of LC 200 AZN
14.9 Interest rate on Bank's credit line for opening of unsecured LC according to agreement
Note: Other banks'fees are charged from customer additionally.
14.10 Post services on documentary operation (for each dispatch) 50 AZN

Additional terms

Standard rates are applied in the case of the absence of other agreements between the Bank and the Client.
The payment currency may be different from the currency of the transactions upon the request of the Client.

In case of receiving payment orders in foreign currency:

  • Pounds - are carried out in the current day when entering the bank before 11.00 and on the following working day when entering the bank after 11.00.
  • Euros - are carried out in the current day when entering the bank before 15.00 and on the next working day when entering the bank after 15.00.
  • US Dollars - are carried out in the current day when entering the bank before 15.00 and on the following working day when entering the bank after 15.00.

* Latvia, Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB, Vnesheconombank, Rosselkhozbank - before 12.00.

Russian rubles:

  • purchase - upon applying 1 day in advance before 16.00.
  • Sale - before 13.00.
  • transfer - before 13.00.

In other currencies: transfers - upon applying 1 day in advance.

Are carried out the same day upon the receipt of the payment orders in AZN into the bank before 14.00 and the following working day upon their receipt after 14.00.

If the commission of “Premium Bank” OJSC exceed the cost of operation, the difference will be attributed to the client's account.

Additional costs incurred by the bank, in any event, are held separately.
The Bank has the right to make changes to the tariffs without prior notice to the clients
The given tariffs apply to all branches.

Hörmətli istifadəçi

Azərbaycan Respublikasında fiziki şəxslərin problemli kreditlərinin həlli ilə bağlı əlavə tədbirlər haqqında Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin Fərmanına uyğun olaraq, fiziki şəxslərin xarici valyutada əsas kredit borclarının devalvasiya ilə bağlı manatla artmış hissəsi ilə əlaqədar Maliyyə Bazarlarına Nəzarət Palatası tərəfindən hazırlanmış güzəşt kalkulyatoru

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