Premium Bank Miles establishes cooperation with "Ali Usta" restaurant

13 November 2019

Customers who pay in "Ali Usta" restaurant using Premium Bank’s Miles cards will receive 5% cashback and additional miles. It is worth noting that the cashback amount is instantly credited to the customer’s account.

Note that the “Premium Bank Miles” card is a co-brand payment card that unifies the benefits of a bank card and the privileges of “Azal Miles” program participant. Paying daily purchases and services using the “Miles” card, the cardholder earns points to his/her account. Points are accrued at the moment of payment in any currency of the world (in manat equivalent). Points are also awarded when using the flights of “Azerbaijan Airlines.” The earned points can be used by the cardholder to obtain a free flight ticket from AZAL, or a service class upgrade.

You can order the “Premium Bank Miles” cards online at

About "Premium Club" program:

For more information about the Bank's products and services, please visit  , contact the Inquiry Center at (012) 931, or visit the Bank's official Facebook page at

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