

Shareholders and their rights: The Bank’s shareholders are 2 individuals and 1 legal entity. See: External audit report

Shareholders have the right to vote in proportion to the share capital of the Bank. Shareholders owning 5 percent of the Bank’s shares may request to convene an extraordinary General Assembly. Each shareholder may exercise his right to vote at the General Assembly of shareholders, either personally or through an authorized representative. A shareholder owning ordinary shares of the Bank has the following rights in the manner prescribed by law and the Charter:

• participate in the management of the Bank in accordance with the law and the statute, elect and be elected to its governing bodies;

• receive information on the activities of the Bank, get acquainted with its annual report and balance once a year;

• convene a General Assembly of shareholders and make changes to the agenda of the meeting;

• participate in the General Assembly of shareholders of the ank with the right to vote and request a copy of its protocol;

• receive dividends from the net profit of the Bank;

• in the event of a collapse of the Bank, receipt of a portion of the Bank’s property remaining after the claims of creditors are settled, accrued but unpaid dividends, as well as the value of liquidated preferred shares;

• exercise other rights stipulated by law and the Charter.


Hörmətli istifadəçi

Azərbaycan Respublikasında fiziki şəxslərin problemli kreditlərinin həlli ilə bağlı əlavə tədbirlər haqqında Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin Fərmanına uyğun olaraq, fiziki şəxslərin xarici valyutada əsas kredit borclarının devalvasiya ilə bağlı manatla artmış hissəsi ilə əlaqədar Maliyyə Bazarlarına Nəzarət Palatası tərəfindən hazırlanmış güzəşt kalkulyatoru

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